Bright Futures at Georgetown University

Bright Futures is a national health promotion initiative dedicated to the principle that every child deserves to be healthy and that optimal health involves a trusting relationship between the health professional, the child, the family, and the community as partners in health practice.


With funding from HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau and others, Bright Futures at Georgetown University advances Bright Futures practice and partnership through the development of distance learning curricula, online training resources, and family materials.

One-Step Training Well-Child Care/EPSDT Bright Futures: Mental Health Bright Futures: Mental Health Bright Futures: Oral Health
Distance Learning:
bullet One Step at a Time: Helping Young Children Be Active
bullet Well-Child Care: A Bright Futures Curriculum for Pediatric Providers
bullet Health Information Learning Lab: More Distance Learning Curricula
bullet The District of Columbia's HealthCheck Provider Education System
bullet Distance Learning Toolkit
bullet MCH Training Program: Distance Learning Projects
Online Tools:
bullet Bright Futures Oral Health Toolkit
bullet Bright Futures in Practice Training Tools
bullet DC HealthCheck Toolkit
bullet NEW! Well-Child Care Toolkit
Online Materials:
Social and Emotional Development
bullet What to Expect and When to Seek Help: Developmental Tools for Families and Providers
Bright Futures in Practice Series
bullet Mental Health
bullet Nutrition
bullet Oral Health
bullet Physical Activity
bullet Training Tools
Bright Futures Family Materials
bullet Materials in English
bullet Materials in Spanish
Bright Futures Archive
bullet Archived Publications
Print Materials:
bullet Bright Futures Guidelines (3rd ed.) and Bright Futures Nutrition (3rd ed.) now available from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
bullet Order other Bright Futures professional materials through AAP
bullet Order Bright Futures family materials through Family Voices
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What's New:
bullet One Step at a Time: Helping Young Children Be Active released!
bullet Well-Child Care Curriculum wins APEX Grand Award for Excellence
bullet Bright Futures What to Expect and When to Seek Help tools released in English and Spanish

Bright Futures Oral Health Pocket Guide released as online distance learning resource

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Child Development, Family, Health, and Education Research
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Georgetown University


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