One Step At a Time: Helping Young Children Be Active!

Self-Assessment Quiz

  1. How can being physically active help young children be healthy?
    1. A. It helps them be more successful in school.
    2. B. It helps them make friends.
    3. C. It helps them have better reading skills.
    4. D. It helps burn calories and promotes a healthy weight.
  2. What are some barriers that may get in the way of children being physically active?
    1. A. Unsafe neighborhoods.
    2. B. Not enough space to be physically active.
    3. C. Parents’ or other caregivers’ not knowing how to help children be physically active.
    4. D. All of the above.
  3. How much time should children ages 1–2 spend doing structured physical activity every day?
    1. A. At least 30 minutes.
    2. B. At least 60 minutes.
    3. C. At least 2 hours.
    4. D. There is no set amount of time; it depends on the child.
  4. How much time should children ages 3–4 spend doing structured physical activity every day?

    1. A. At least 30 minutes.
    2. B. At least 60 minutes.
    3. C. At least 2 hours.
    4. D. There is no set amount of time; it depends on the child.





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National Center for Effective Mental Health Consultation