One Step At a Time: Helping Young Children Be Active!

Ideas to Promote Children’s Physical Activity

This table includes ideas for child care providers to share with parents and other family members to promote children’s physically activity.2–4



Foster play outdoors

Look for local parks, playgrounds, walking and biking paths, or trails. To find trails and greenways, contact American Trails.

Foster play inside

Play hide-and-seek, toss a soft ball, or crawl through an obstacle course.

Decrease screen time

Play with your child before letting her watch TV; then next time play for longer and give her less screen time. Encourage your child to be physically active during TV commercials. Make a rule that there is no sitting during commercials. Do not put a TV in your children’s bedroom.

Choose good child care provider and program

Choose a child care provider who promotes physical activity and where the program has the space and equipment needed for children to be physically active.

Use community resources

Look for recreation centers, schools, or organizations that serve children (like the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the YMCA, the YWCA, or places of worship like churches or synagogues). Check with your local Cooperative Extension office for programs. Many may be free or available at reduced cost.



Happy Family





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National Center for Effective Mental Health Consultation