Bright Futures at Georgetown University

Bright Futures in Practice: Physical Activity

Bright Futures in Practice: Physical Activity

Bright Futures in Practice: Physical Activity (2001) provides developmental guidelines on physical activity for the periods of infancy through adolescence. 

The guide provides current information on screening, assessment, and counseling to promote physical activity and to meet the needs of health professionals, families, and communities.


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Download Bright Futures in Practice: Physical Activity as PDF files.

The vision and goals of Bright Futures in Practice: Physical Activity are to

Improve the health and physical activity status of infants, children, and adolescents

Establish health supervision guidelines focusing on physical activity (e.g., interview questions, screening and assessment, counseling) to help health professionals improve the health and physical activity status of infants, children, and adolescents

Identify desired health and physical outcomes that result from regular physical activity

Encourage partnerships among health professionals, families, and communities to improve the health and physical status of infants, children, and adolescents
Increase family knowledge, skills, and participation in developmentally appropriate physical activities



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